Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Performance Evaluation Counterfeits

Human Resource have detained five Managers for peddling pirated and counterfeit Performance Evaluations during the Ranking Exercise. The four women and a man, aged between 33 and 43 years, were caught at various locations in a 12-hour island-wide operation conducted on 24 October 2007 . HR also seized about 800 copied PE reports. These reports have a street value of an inestimable amount.

In the middle of this year, HR had received information that several managers were advertising the sale of suspected prepared PEs. Acting on the information, HR tracked down the subjects and detained them for questioning.

This operation was a joint effort between the HR and IT department. HR will continue to mount operations against those who think that they can exploit the employees by use of counterfeit PE reports.

Deputy Vice President of HR Sharky Ong said, “Lazy Managers’ should think twice before engaging in such illegal activities. The punishment is severe and managers caught may end up with false PE reports for themselves too.

Reporting from Somewhere over the rainbow

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