Monday, May 19, 2008


Are there any photography fans out there? We want to do an experiment, to determine if Microstock can generate a decent income. Please go and shoot 3 original photos of things you think can sell well as a Microstock. Example could be PC peripherals or cute animals, or numbers off the wall of the financial market.

We will submit approx 20 photos and see how these photos fair in the microstock environment. Act Now!!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Stock Market, Investments and Finanial Times

Let's post what stocks are good to trade!! everyone share the lobang! come 'on!! join the investment wave!

SINGAPORE Telecommunications (SingTel) is investing $220 million in an islandwide cellular network upgrade to set the stage for delivering higher-speed mobile broadband services.

The Knack

Do you agree with APNN views?