Monday, December 24, 2007
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
The Lemon Juice Talk
Have you ever heard of the term "Lemon Juice Talk" ? It is an upgraded version of the "Coffee Talk". Back in the days where management wants to feel the ground of the workforce, they will mingle with the lower ranks during coffee breaks - in an informal manner. Such "Coffee talks" eventually migrated into an organised session for management to disseminate information to the lower ranks - this is usually accompanied by some food and light refreshments (coffee).
The "Coffee talks" then migrated to a coffee-less operandi mode - and serves as a conduit for management to do a top-down information dissemination.
Whats the next step? the "Lemon Juice Talk". It is not because there will be lemon juice serverd at the info session. It is for management to talk about how sour why certain objectives cannot be met, and how even higher management is to blamed. The sour grape syndrome. Can it get any worse? Only time will tell.
Reporting from the grapevine.
Posted by
Wo Ai Ni
6:30 PM
Thursday, December 6, 2007
The ZunePhone
Macrosoft's latest invention - designed and built in India is here... The Zune Phone. Here is an Ad for the phone:
Posted by
Wo Ai Ni
9:22 PM
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Calm before the Storm
There had been very little news over the last few weeks. This could be the calm just before the storm. The storm could be brewing slowly beneath the calm surface and the under-currents is getting stronger.
Perhaps the uprising is suspended as many had acquire safe-habour with more offerings from the Gods - and decided to play it safe. Ultimately, the ones that holds the power still rips the benefits at the end of the day.
Reporting from the Swimming Pool where it is definitely Calm
Posted by
Wo Ai Ni
2:25 PM