Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Will APNN2 be migrated to the old "forum" technology? It's hard to say. Current Blogger features allows the authors of blogs to put up embedded code - like adding YouTube videos etc.
Our tech department assured us that customization to the software will allow more advance features, but who needs them when we are surviving will on the blogger platform. Any comments?
http://sinlg.dlinkddns.com:8000/base <-- experimental
Posted by
Wo Ai Ni
3:20 PM
Monday, November 12, 2007
Friday, November 9, 2007
Earthworm launched
Passionfruit Inc today announced the release of Mary OS 10.5 aka Earthworm. This latest installment supercedes the previous flagship OS 10.4 aka Fireant. Minimum requirements for installation of Passionfruit requires at least a Dual-core processor from cumTel running at 2ghz and at least 1GB of memory.
Note worthy features from Passionfruit include Time machine, which makes your Orange computer look like an older version of it's distance cousin, like the Orange ][+ or the Orangintosh. Another feature is the "finder" application which has porn filter built-in now. Parents can feel safe when their children use Passionfruit for web-surfing.
Posted by
Wo Ai Ni
12:14 PM
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
The Demise of APNN blog
Hello readers,
APNN's readership has fallen a whopping 95% after the URL was changed. The result is caused by insufficient marketing and publicity within the blogger community. As a result, new competition is entering this space, http://im-moderately-ho.blogspot.com/. Slated to set the stage for an opinions related blog, we wonder if it will follow the foot-steps of the original APNN.
Reporting from the reporter's lounge swating flies.
Posted by
Wo Ai Ni
4:10 PM
Friday, November 2, 2007
Yet another social networking site?
Heard of www.oddpodz.com ? A social networking site that seems to target at the creative people!
Posted by
Wo Ai Ni
12:15 AM
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Favourite Handphone
Research shows that teenagers these days want to have the most fashionable phone they can get their hands on. The big cell phone companies are racing to produce the next gen social-networking cell phones featuring direct integration to social-networking giants like Bodybook and TaMaDeSpace.
Posted by
Wo Ai Ni
2:54 PM